Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre
Our Trips
Discover the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates. Take a close-up look at the interesting features of vertebrate skulls, bones, teeth, and claws. Learn about the amazing adaptations that help temperate rainforest animals thrive in this cool, wet environment. This program runs from 10am to 12pm.
Take your students on an educational adventure that combines a treasure hunt and ecology knowledge! Led by clues and a forest map, your students will decode the mysteries of temperate rainforest plants and animals, searching for the secret of life in the rainforest. You’ll also have a chance to view forest life up close with our amazing projector!
Water is powerful, and small droplets become a force that shapes the landscape. Peek into a small tributary of Lynn Creek and see some of the many animals who live there. Learn about their life cycles and explore some of the characteristics that help these animals survive in their aquatic habitat.
Deep in Lynn Canyon Park live giant plants that clean the air and water and create food and habitats for animals. What are they? Trees of course! In this program, students will learn about the life cycles of these giant plants, discover how trees grow food and create habitats, and learn about the connections between trees and the soil, air, and water cycles.
How do animals and plants survive in the cool, wet, temperate rainforest? From magnificent mayflies to the spectacular salmonberry, learn about the amazing adaptations of animals and plants and discover the diversity of forest life. Through hands-on and sensory activities, explore how animals and plants work together to create a thriving ecosystem.
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