
Program Description & Details

Explore the Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site through the lens of innovation, and how things have changed throughout the history of fishing and boatbuilding in Steveston. Students will engage in four different interactive stations with themes ranging from innovation in recycling, resources, and communications. These concepts will then be discussed and applied to a boatbuilding activity, with each student making their own wooden boat model to bring home.

For Grades: 
4, 5, 6
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
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Explore the Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site to learn about history of boatbuilding and its importance in Steveston. Students will explore the different steps to build a boat by participating in a tool scavenger hunt, a caulking demonstration, and more maritime-themed activities. These steps will then be applied to a boatbuilding activity, with each student making their own small wooden boat to bring home.

For Grades: 
K, 1, 2, 3
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
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About This Online Resource:  EPIC Academy Ocean Plastics Curriculum

A fully funded, fully developed curriculum targeted at secondary students ages 14+ (with materials accessible for lower grades as well) that is a comprehensive and thorough examination of ocean plastic pollution, microplastics and ways to help mitigate these serious issues. Content is available either as an online offering that students can navigate on their own, or can be accessed through downloadable offerings and presented offline in class. We highly recommend use of downloadable supports for classroom use.

10 lessons (15 hours of study in total) available in English, French and Spanish, aligned with BC Curriculum. Content can be paused at any point and returned to at the instructor's convenience (auto-saves).

Educator Materials include: detailed lesson plans and classroom presentations, reflective and group activities, quizzes and answer sheets.

Digital badges are available for every lesson and printable certificates are provided on completion.

Lessons 1 to 5 are foundational knowledge specifically directed toward classroom educators. Lessons 6 to 10 are advanced, directed toward creating meaningful change by advocacy, enacting policy, building a recycling system or upgrading infrastructure and managing media.  

Access requires the creation of a login that allows teachers (or individual users) to track progress through the lessons. This links to completed content for printable certificates.

There are 5 questions asked during the registration process: Are you a teacher or a student? What is your school/location if applicable? What country are you learning from? What language are you learning in? How did you hear about this resource?

STAY TUNED for upcoming listings of in-person tours at our Ocean Plastics Recycling Facility located in Steveston Harbour, Richmond.

Outreach Kit/Online Resource
For Grades: 
9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

As a distinctive neighbourhood filled with cultural monuments and historic sites, Chinatown’s public places are a precious and integral part of the city. Yet the neighbourhood is evolving quickly and many heritage sites are starting to disappear. How might we imagine a future Chinatown that honours and protects its heritage while welcoming new ideas and communities? We’ll survey Chinatown’s past and present sites of cultural significance and invite students to imagine the neighbourhood’s next phase of growth and revitalization with a creative “vision board” activity.

Total length: 1 - 2 hours
Grade levels: 9 - 12
Cost per student: $8 (1 adult chaperone per 10 students may visit for free)

Connections to the BC Social Studies Big Ideas

Grade 9

  • Collective identity is constructed and can change over time.
  • Emerging ideas and ideologies profoundly influence societies and events.
  • The physical environment influences the nature of political, social, and economic change.

Grade 10 

  • Historical and contemporary injustices challenge the narrative and identity of Canada as an inclusive, multicultural society. 

Grade 11

  • Decision making in urban and regional planning requires balancing political, economic, social, and environmental factors.

Grade 12

  • Social justice initiatives can transform individuals and systems.
For Grades: 
9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

How did Chinese immigrant communities maintain a sense of identity and overcome the challenges of discrimination to settle in Vancouver’s Chinatown? How did they strive to create a sense of home and belonging? 

Students will explore these questions by engaging with our interactive exhibits and touchable teaching collection. By investigating historic photos, head tax certificates, cultural artefacts, and personal belongings, students will be introduced to discriminatory policies that define the Chinese Canadian experience as well as the community’s diligent efforts to overcome them.

Total length: 1 - 2 hours 

Grade levels: 4-6

Cost per student: $8 (1 adult chaperone per 5 students may visit for free)

For Grades: 
4, 5, 6
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

In this guided school program, students will learn about the history and cultural life of Vancouver’s Chinatown through our interactive exhibits and touchable teaching collection. Delving into the lived experiences and mementos of Chinatown’s diverse residents, students will gain an appreciation for the community’s resilient spirit and rich cultural heritage.

Total length: 1 hour

Grade levels: adaptable to all grade levels

Cost per student: $8 (1 adult chaperone per 5 students may visit for free)

For Grades: 
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Bring your class for a free guided tour of the B.C. Parliament Buildings. Guided tours provide an overview of the history of the Parliament Buildings and the role of the Legislative Assembly. 

For Grades: 
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Drawn to History is where art and history meet. With historical photos and artifacts as inspiration, the activities in this kit take students through perspective drawing, contour shading, drawing faces, and contemporary issues with indigenous rock art. This kit is suitable for grades 5 to 12 (may be altered for lower grades), with strong curriculum connections in art and social studies.

Outreach Kit/Online Resource
For Grades: 
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

This discovery kit is perfect for those teachers and students that are interested in learning more about the Kootenay-Boundary’s plant and animal life. The kit includes five activities based around identifying local plants and animals, invasive species, and indigenous use. You even figure out how to measure a tree with a straw! This kit is suitable for kindergarten to grade 7, with curriculum links to Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics.

Outreach Kit/Online Resource
For Grades: 
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Our Regional Indigenous Basketry explores the different weaving and dyeing techniques used by this region’s Indigenous Peoples. With a focus on the Sinixt Peoples, students will explore weaving, dying, food collection, and Indigenous language through a series of activities. From designing a basket to making a traditional Sinixt recipe, this kit provides a glimpse into the traditions of this area’s first peoples. This kit is suitable for grades kindergarten to grade 7, with curriculum links to Social Studies, Arts, Science, and Language Arts.

Outreach Kit/Online Resource
For Grades: 
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Discover the stories of a diverse fishing, canning, and boat building community at the scenic Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site on the shores of the Fraser River. This one-hour guided tour is led by a Heritage Interpreter, and includes introductions to the heritage buildings which illustrated the living and working conditions of the communities that made Steveston the special place it is today.

For Grades: 
8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
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Program Description & Details

Explore the historic houses and engage in story time and eye-spy activities to learn about Steveston's unique cultural community. Students will participate in a shopping relay game while representing a family that may have lived in this community. Experience what life may have been like for the workers, families and children from diverse cultures who lived and worked here together. 

For Grades: 
1, 2, 3
Days Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
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Program Description & Details

Step into the shoes of a history detective to discover the diverse experiences of immigrants who tried to make Steveston their home.  First, students will explore four historical houses through a scavenger hunt. After a short break, the adventure continues with an immersive activity where each group delves into a unique immigrant story. Armed with historical documents and fascinating artifacts like a typewriter, a radio or a washboard, students will piece together the narrative of their chosen immigrant group and uncover how settlers from different countries faced different challenges to build their new home.

See notes.
For Grades: 
4, 5, 6
Days Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
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Program Description & Details

Many of the big decisions we face as individuals, communities, or nations don’t have a correct answer. Making these decisions can be extremely challenging, as we grapple with information and misinformation, our own conscience, and strong opposing opinions. In the face of climate change, many of these decisions become even more challenging. In this program, students are tasked with deciding whether or not to approve a project that would have impacts on global scale. We go step by step through the process, conducting research, mapping out consequences, and ultimately: deciding.

Curricular Connections: 

During this program, students will learn about the perspectives of local Indigenous peoples in the context of this project proposal. This program also has strong ties to social studies, as students learn about the connections between the physical environment and political change. Students will explore evidence-based decision making through science, the impact of technologies, how humans impact climate change, and how climate change impacts the environment. Most importantly, students will be better prepared to be civically engaged in our increasingly complex world.

Online Booking Form Here! 


For Grades: 
8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Days Offered: 
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 
Program Description & Details

Crossing Borders, Removing Barriers is a free resource for teachers.

Low Yuet Wing was the first of the Lowe family to arrive in Canada in 1913 from Toishan, Guanghai, China. Without any family abroad, he sailed across the Pacific, likely with mixed emotions of fear and excitement. As the Gold Rush of the 1870’s generated lots of hope for him escaping poverty and war in China, the allure of opportunity in the West (known as “Gum Shan” or “gold mountain”) was very appealing as he was sent abroad to work on the Canadian Pacific Railway.”

Based on the real life story of the Great Grandfather of Lorraine Lowe, Executive Director of Dr Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden, it highlights issues surrounding early Chinese immigration to Canada as experienced through his eyes.

This resource is based around the BC Social Studies curriculum and is aimed at Grade 5 level but with options for extension questions for higher grades.

There are 3 lessons:
Lesson 1: Early Chinese Immigration

Lesson 2: Life in Canada

Lesson 3: Human Rights

PLease see our website for more details and to download the resource. 


Classroom kit also available!

Outreach Kit/Online Resource
For Grades: 
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Maximum Students: 
Offered In French: 


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