Archaeology of the Lower Fraser River
Visit the Laboratory of Archaeology (LOA) and be an archaeologist for a day! Discover the rich, 9,000-year history of the First Nations people who live along the lower Fraser River by learning about their ways of life, tools, and technologies. This program was designed in collaboration with archaeologists from the Laboratory of Archaeology at UBC. We also recognize with appreciation the Musqueam people whose knowledge guides the ongoing evolution of the program.
This program includes a hands-on introduction to cultural materials used long ago for hunting, fishing, wood-working and home life. Students will engage with real and replica belongings to determine how they were made, how they might have been used, and why they survived for thousands of years. After a brief introduction to First Nations’ use of the cedar tree and a rope-making demonstration, the program will conclude with each student making a cedar bracelet.
This program is part of an overall unit plan with prerequisite lessons that show the techniques used by archaeologists to find and identify belongings. The complete unit plan will be sent by email along with a booking confirmation.
To book this program, please submit a booking request.
Photo Credit: Sarah Race.