
Offered by
Fresh Roots
Last updated on
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024
Experience type: 
Program Description

Micro plants. Micro flowers. Micro bugs. Micro students? There are so many tiny things to see on the farm! We’ll practice using magnifying glasses and getting close to see how little things on the farm have a big impact, and practice caring for the smallest members of our living world.

Big Ideas
  • Daily and seasonal changes affect all living things.
  • Plants and animals have observable features.
  • Daily physical activity helps us develop movement skills and physical literacy, and is an important part of healthy living.
  • Healthy communities recognize and respect the diversity of individuals and care for the local environment.
  • Trip Details
    For Grades: 
    K, 1
    Months Available: 
    Days Offered: 
    Times Offered: 
    See notes. minutes unless otherwise stated.
    Maximum Students: 
    Offered In French: 
    Also Offered For: 
    ESL, Guides, Homeschool, Other, Preschool, Scouts
    Packages Provided: 
    Pre-Visit Information Package
    Fee Details
    Fee Notes: 

    Small class (15 or fewer students): $150

    Grade K-3 (16-22 students): $220

    Grade 4-12 (23-30 students): $300

    VSB Discount! All VSB classes will receive a 20% discount on their field trips, farm bookings, and multi-visit programs. 

    We strive to make our programs accessible to all groups. If cost is a barrier, please send an email to education@freshroots.ca.

    Additional Notes

    Situated at Vancouver Technical and David Thompson secondary schools, our schoolyard farms are a short walk from many elementary schools and community centres. All field trips include a farm work experience, as well as a chance to harvest and taste veggies, when seasonally available. We require 1 teacher/chaperone for every 8 grade K-3 students.

    Learn more and book your trip at https://freshroots.ca/learn-on-the-farm/.