Our Bones are Made of Salmon
(Grades 4-7) Explore local Indigenous People's connections to the environment by comparing traditional salmon fishing tools, and learn how Aboriginal people preserve their culture from two local elders who share oral histories through a storytelling film.
This program is divided into:
- Introduction to program, centre and rules Outside (5 minutes)
- Salmon Origins Storytelling Film Theatre (20 minutes)
- Introduction in Theatre: (10 minutes)
- 2 Stations (25 minutes)
- Salmon Fishing Tools and Methods (Hands-on inqury of traditional Indigenous fishing tools)
- Wind-drying Salmon (Exploration of the method used to dry salmon in the Fraser Canyon, and a workshop on sharpening traditional slate knives)
- Conclusion Theatre (5 minutes)
For more information, visit our website or email us.

With the continued safety and well-being of our visitors, staff and volunteers the highest priority, we have developed a safety plan in accordance with WorkSafeBC guidelines. Our COVID-19 safety guide can be found on our website: https://fraserriverdiscovery.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/WORKSAFE-BC-... If you have any concerns about visiting the center that are not addressed in the safety plan, please email or call us and we can work together to make sure that your visit is a safe one.
This program includes a 10 minute outdoor segment.