Hosted through video conference software, an FRDC educator will lead your students through a fully interactive program, engaging them with the material by utilizing the latest tools in online and remote education.
Join us as we journey down the river of stories from the headwaters to the mouth of the Fraser. Travelling along an interactive map, students will learn all about the Fraser River Basin through stories from the near and distant past. The program ends with a reflection on our place in this landscape, as students add their own story to the map.
Curricular connections:
This program supports curricular competencies in English Language Arts as students engage actively as listeners, viewers and readers; create stories to deepen their awareness of self; and use oral storytelling processes. This program also supports competencies in Social Studies as students learn about cultural characteristics and ways of life of local First Peoples, and understand the significance of the Fraser River Basin to individuals and groups. This program incorporates the First Peoples Principles of Learning, specifically that learning is relational; recognizes the role of indigenous knowledge; is embedded in story; and requires exploration of one’s own identity. Further, this program supports students in the process of developing a positive personal and cultural identity.
To participate in these programs, you will need:
- A stable internet connection.
- A device for each student (laptop, tablet, or chromebook, etc) with a stable internet connection. They will use this throughout the program for the interactive activities.
- The ability to join the video conference with the FRDC educator. This can be done one of two ways: the teacher can join the video conference and project it with sound for the whole class to view; or each student can join on their device with headphones.
Online Booking Form Here!