Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site
Our Trips
Customize your experience with our Discovery Tour!
The Discovery Tour is adaptable for your youth education group, and is designed to be modified for groups with a variety of ages (e.g. homeschool groups) or a group for which there is no existing Education Program (e.g. high school classes).
Choose from a set of modules to design the perfect outing for your class.
Understand the role of salmon as a Cultural Keystone Species for Indigenous Peoples on the West Coast of Canada in Salmon People!
Salmon is, and always has been, central to the lives, economies, and cultures of many Indigenous Peoples of the West Coast. Understanding this significance is central to understanding the worldviews of the Peoples who have lived here since time immemorial.
Engage with replica fishing tools, explore fish species, and learn about past and present Indigenous fishing methods through storytelling and a variety of Indigenous-created resources.
Examine the simple machines found in our one-of-a-kind restored canning line and Herring Reduction Plant in Machines at Work!
Machines make the assembly line process faster, safer, and less labour intensive. Six simple machines can be found by examining the machines along the Canning Line and the Herring Reduction Plant.
Watch as the machines come to life on our Canning Line, then put your learning to work by exploring the components and operation of the technology in our Herring Reduction Plant.
Explore the diverse work experiences and social challenges of Cannery workers from around the world in Cannery Stories.
Early cannery workers faced discrimination based on race and gender inside and outside of the canneries. These workers fought that discrimination through various means, including letter writing, suing the government, volunteering in their communities, and acting as allies.
Discover the jobs of several cannery workers through a tour of our Canning Line, and learn more about the challenges of one worker in our Cannery Store.
Investigate the ways natural resources can move from local to global in Fishy Business! Communities depend on their members to be good citizens. Part of good citizenship involves understanding and managing natural resources in a sustainable manner. Tour our Canning Line to understand changes in food preservation, learn about how fish are adapted to their habitats, and play a game to see an example of how fisheries are managed.